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Friday, 16 November 2012

Vegan Banana and Peanut Butter Pancakes

A very tired but glad-to-be-home Tom here,

This is a recipe my mum taught me that I make for a special treat breakfast once in a blue moon when I don't wake up, grab the museli I made the night before and run out of the door at top speed half dressed and definitely not awake. However, this morning being.....well almost 70-80% awake, I had a phenomenal brainwave whilst eating peanut butter from a jar with my fing.....I mean spreading peanut butter on toast like a normal, respectable human being. (I love peanut butter, you get the picture)

So here it is.

Makes three small or one large pancake (a rough single person portion)


1/2 a cup of Milk (I use almond but as ever, any will work)
1/3 of a Banana
3-4 tbsp Flour (I use self raising, works well with any flour including gf - my mum recommends millet but since I don't know what a millet is or how to get flour from it I stick to what's in my cupboard)
1 very small teaspoon of Peanut Butter
A pinch of Baking Powder (provided you're not using self raising flour, I mean like 1/8 of a tsp, really don't need much)
A sprinkling of Sunflower Seeds

The basic recipe here is the milk, flour and banana to bind it. This is my variation but these pancakes are excellent just with the basic recipe, or with cinnamon (as always), blueberries, maple syrup, date syrup, almond butter, chocolate get the picture. Add what you want. Enjoy.

I make the whole lot in one mug and just pour into into a hot, lightly greased non-stick pan and cook on either side until golden (go for medium heat on the hob, I know the high one looks fun and sizzles and sounds good but trust me, they burn quick), minimal effort, minimal washing up.


Combine all ingredients except the sunflower seeds (you really need the tiniest amount of peanut butter, you'll still taste it, panic not) in a mug and blend until smooth.
I'd add three tbsp of flour, see what it looks like, and if it looks a bit thin add the extra one. If you like crepe-like pancakes keep it thin (3 tbsp) or if you're like me and like thick pancakes keep the mixture thick (4 tbsp).
Stir in the sunflower seeds and then fry in a pan, flip after say 30-40 seconds when they look golden (leave them for at least 30 seconds as if you try and flip them early they just smush)
Serve with chopped up fresh fruit (I go for strawberries, blueberries and grapes) and a sprinkling of cinnamon on top. Sweeten to taste!

Nutritional Info (using self raising flour and including oil for frying):

                          Calories      Carbs       Fat      Protein       Sodium        Sugar
per Serving             333            46         14          19              22              14

NB// Including fruit and cinammon adds about 23 calories more (if you add half a cup of fruit)

As always, try your own variations and let us know what you come up with at or leave a comment. We love to get pictures!

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